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News of Holy Russia 14.07.2014: Visit Chapter of Holy Russia and Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich to Kingdom of Belgium have taken place.

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Sovereign Emperor of Holy Russia Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has visited Kingdom of Belgium and been on July 9 and 10, 2014 in Bruges where participated in the extensive program of meetings with aristocrats and members of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich from Spain, Belgium and Holland and has examined with them local sights.

At support of local authorities, representatives of patrimonial aristocracy of the Belgian Kingdom and members of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich the sated program of visiting of ancient city Bruges has been prepared.

In the morning on July, 9 2014 Count Miguel Coppieters t Wallant has met at the airport of Brussels is Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev and SAR Don Rafael Andujar Vilches, Prince of San Bartolomeo and Cappadocia, arrived of Russia and Spain accordingly. High persons have gone to Bruges where have stopped in Grand Hotel Casselbergh, Bruges.

At 15-00 ceremony of delivery by Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev’s of originals of Decrees and Patents for Titles of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich has taken place: Count – to Knight Maurice van Maldeghem, Count – to Knight Miguel Coppieters t Wallant and Duke – to Knight Alexander van der Merwede.

On celebration there were representatives of Belgian newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws about what the reporting 11.07.2014 has been published. The reference to the newspaper publication:


After ceremony grandee persons have made walk across rainy Bruges and have noted event at local restaurant.

On July 10, 2014 the special program for Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev (Holy Russia), Prince SAR Don Rafael Andujar Vilches, Prince of San Bartolomeo and Cappadocia (Kingdom Spain), Prince HRH Robert Prince de Merode (Kingdom of Belgium) and visitors from Belgium and Netherlands has been prepared.

The schedule:

09:45 – Visiting Basils of Holy Blood of city Bruges;
11:00 – Visit to the Town hall of city Bruges;
12:00 – the Dinner at Flemish restaurant;
14:30 – Travel on boat on channels of city Bruges;
15:30 – Visiting of Groening museum of pictures of ancient masters of Flanders;
17:00 – Visiting of terrace of local cafe;
19:00 – Supper at restaurant on Burg square (about the Town hall of Bruges).

In the Basil of Holy Blood director of museum has lead detailed excursion for members of delegation of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich. Originally in XII century of Basil of Cappadocia referred to St. Basil Great's as name from Caesarea. After the some next crusade in XIII century in the Basil the relic – vessel with Jesus Christ's Holy Blood has been brought. Event has taken place about 1250. Probably, the artefact has been seized in Constantinople by Count Baldwin IX in 1204. It is possible to assert priori, that accommodation of sacred relic on the ground of Flanders granted to last unprecedented blossoming in spheres of economy, a science and culture. It is interesting to note, that St. Basil Great's dated by the early Middle Ages the icon is stored in Church. On an icon the inscription in language of Russia is made. Letters are easy read in modern Russian.

The capsule of times in year leaves limits of Church during religious procession. Following the Bible legend, before Easter in Bruges the Procession of Holy Blood which come is carried out to look ten thousands tourists from all world.

Basil of Holy Blood adjoins to the Town hall of Bruges (Stadhuis van Bruges), having with it joint wall. The construction has got modern kind in 1421. Fires have not kept ancient lists of the Town hall. In second half XIX centuries new frescos on history of Bruges were created by artist Albrecht de Vrindt. In the Town hall working structures of executive authority of city are located, and also there is small museum. For aristocratic delegation the administration of city has organized reception and excursion on halls of the Town hall. We shall note that citizens of Bruges have an easy approach in the Town hall without misses and the cordons peculiar to an authoritative mode of Russia.

From the Town hall the aristocratic group has removed to local restaurant of the refined Flemish kitchen where has tried lunch.

After visiting Basils and Town halls, the delegation has gone on mooring of the channel of Bruges where seating on the big motor boat and has made water excursion on city. From any point of Bruges – waters or the grounds are well visible three huge towers of the city, erected many centuries back. It seems to the modern person inconceivable as in the past it was possible to create so impressive constructions. The huge sizes the patrol tower of city council – Belfry is located on Market square, the height of her exceeds the 20-storeyed house. Still the big towers are above the Cathedral of the Christ Savior (Saint Salvator's Cathedral). However wreath of builders of Bruges is the tower of Church of Our Lady, height 123 meters or the house in the size in 41 levels.

The Church of Our Lady is constructed in the beginning of XVI century. Inside temple there is marble sculpture of the Virgin with the Baby, created well-known Michelangelo.

In 2000 the historical center of Bruges has been declared by UNESCO object of the World cultural heritage.

After boat excursion Princes of Russia, Spain and Belgium and persons accompanying them have gone to Groening museum of art of Flemish masters. In museum paintings of Memling, Van Eyck, Van Dyck and other authors are exposed.

In end of the program, the delegation has visited one of the oldest restaurants of the city, located on the areas Basils and Town halls under name Burg square. During supper the musical procession which mayor and officials of Bruges has joined has approached to the Town hall. Colon under sounds of military marches has gone on putting on of wreaths, and has come back in the Town hall later. Later on the area began concert of modern music, well outstanding to visitors of ancient restaurant.

On returning in hotel Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has solemnly handed over originals of the Decree and the Patent for the Title of Countess of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich to Madam Angele von Brixen und Montzel, specially arrived occasionally from Netherlands. On it the official part of visit of Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev in Bruges has been finished. Two days have flown by as some instants.

The official list of the persons participating in action:

HIH Prof. Dr. Valeriy Rurikovich Kubarev, Grand Prince of All Russia;
SAR Don Rafael Andujar Vilches, Prince of San Bartolomeo and Cappadocia;
HRH Robert Prince de Merode;
Duke Alexander van der Merwede;
Countess Naomi of Cappadocia;
Countess Angele von Brixen und Montzel;
Count Miguel Coppieters t Wallant;
Count Maurice van Maldeghem;
Prof. Olaf Baron van den Boetzelaer;
Mr. and Mrs. Steven en Lieve Lindemans;
Lord Rafael de Mendoca Brito;
Miss Maria de la Felicitad Lastra Iglesias;
Dr. Hubert Luns;
Mr. Georges Himpens.

Holy Russia, Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich, Fund of Princes and Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev express the intimate gratitude to Mr. George Himpens for the magnificent organization of actions in Bruges.

The photographic report on visit of Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarevi and SAR Don Rafael Andujar Vilches, Prince of San Bartolomeo and Cappadocia in Bruges during 09-10.07.2014.

09.07.2014. A meeting at the airport of Brussels. Grand Hotel Casselberg, Bruges. Visitors of ceremony HIH Prof Dr. Valeriy Rurikovich Kubarev, Grand Prince of All Russia, SAR Don Rafael Andujar Vilches, Prince of San Bartolomeo and Cappadocia, Duke Alexander van der Merwede, Count Miguel Coppieters t Wallant, Count Maurice van Maldeghem, Countess Naomi of Cappadocia and Mr. Georges Himpens. The publication in Belgian newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws from 11.07.2014.

10.07.2014. Grand Hotel Casselberg, Burg square, Basil of Holy Blood, Town hall, channels, Groening museum, restaurants and cafe of Bruges, and also visitors of action: HIH Prof. Dr. Valeriy Rurikovich Kubarev, Grand Prince of All Russia; SAR Don Rafael Andujar Vilches, Prince of San Bartolomeo and Cappadocia; HRH Robert Prince de Merode; Duke Alexander van der Merwede; Countess Naomi of Cappadocia; Countess Angele von Brixen und Montzel; Count Miguel Coppieters t Wallant; Count Maurice van Maldeghem; Prof. Olaf Baron van den Boetzelaer; Mister and Mrs Steven en Lieve Lindemans; Lord Rafael de Mendoca Brito; Miss Maria de la Felicitad Lastra Iglesias; Dr. Hubert Luns; Mr. Georges Himpens.

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