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News of Holy Russia 01.11.2013: Press conference devoted to carrying out of 04.11.2013 Russian Marches For Holy Russia! has taken place.

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Press conference of applicants and coordinators of the incorporated procession has taken place in the Central House of the Journalist in Moscow is Russian March – Russian unity, which will pass at 04.11.2013 from 12:00 till 16:00. Grand Prince of All Russia Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has taken part in action.

The press release: To representatives of mass media
Press conference on November 1, 2013 at 12:00 is the Central House of the Journalist.

On November 4, 2013 in Moscow will pass procession Russian March – Russian unity (gathering from 12:00 at the underground October field, procession from 13:00 on street of Marshal Birjuzov and Marshal Vasilevsky, meeting from 14:00 at underground Schukinskaya). After long delays is the Moscow authorities have coordinated carrying out of the given procession, having connected together four sent applications. The Moscow mayoralty has maliciously tried to reduce together initiatives which had different problems and different organizers. Despite of it, organizing committees of four initiative groups, including applicants and coordinators of Russian March For Holy Russia! have managed to agree and develop the uniform rules of carrying out of action.

In the combined procession and meeting will take part Russian coalition of action (National home guard Minin and Prince Pozharsky, party Great Russia, initiative group For responsible authority, movement Holy Russia, movement Russian revival), the Imperial Russian March (the organization of the orthodox public), movement Great Russia, party Volya and other organizations. The basic slogans reflected on banners of the organizations will be: For Holy Russia! and Our choice – Russian authority, Freedom to Colonel Kvachkov and others. On meeting leaders of public organizations and civil active workers will act, the joint resolution on social and economic questions will be accepted.

The leader of movement Great Russia and the applicant of action For Holy Russia! are Valeriy Kubarev wants to draw in addition attention of the public to some aspects of spiritual and moral development of Russian people, to revive the lost traditions and to restore bases of formation of Russian outlook.

On our deep belief Russian people was generated around of Princes of Russ who have created the ramified infrastructure of Russian state. Russ Princes have brought in the conclusive contribution to construction of Russian orthodox identity, putting huge efforts and material resources to creation Kremlins, Churches, Cathedrals, Monasteries, subjects of art and writing.

Now among us there live some hundreds families of lineal descendants of Russ Princes – Rurikovich. For example, in a sort of family Kubensky-Kubarev there was Equal Apostles Sacred Emperor Constantine Great, Empress Elena, Princess Olga, Prince Vladimir, Sacred Princes Yaroslav Wise, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Fedar Black and David Yaroslavsky.

Russian people should not search constantly false man-made idols; he has the God given thousand-year sort of Alive Holy Russ around of which Russian ground and Russian people should be united.

We believe that the modern agenda should be formed by Russian people and his patrimonial elite, instead of the Kremlin clans and them political technologist from the Staraya area, conducted by post communistic ideology and thirst has drunk budgetary resources. Their time has passed. There has come an epoch of direct will of Russian people.

Movement Great Russia and its leader Valeriy Kubarev stand up for creation of the new subject of the updated Russian Federation under the name Holy Russia – Third Rome is Christian Constitutional Monarchy.

In press conference from movement Great Russia have taken part:

— Valeriy Kubarev, Professor, Doctor of historical sciences and Doctor of theology, the applicant of actions, the leader of civil movement Great Russia;

— Vladimir Skakunov, the General of the Cossack armies, the Ataman of village Yurinskoe.

Below we result video recording of press conference and speech of Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev.

Press conference in 01.11.2013:


Valeriy Kubarev's speech:


Is the photographic report on press conference and copy of documents on procession Russian March – Russian Unity.

In photo (from left to right) the coordinator of procession Valeriy Petrovich Larionov, the applicant of procession from Russian coalition of actions Nikolas Vladimirovich Tishin and the applicant of Russian March For Sacred Russia! Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev:

Leaders of movement Great Russia is Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev and the Ataman and the General of the Cossack armies Vladimir Ivanovich Skakunov:

In photo (from left to right) the applicant of procession from Russian coalition of actions Nikolas Vladimirovich Tishin, the applicant of procession the Imperial Russian March Yuri Evgenjevich Gorsky, the applicant of Russian March For Holy Russia! is Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev, the Ataman and the General of the Cossack armies Vladimir Ivanovich Skakunov, and also the wife of the hero of Russian people Colonel Vladimir Vasiljevich Kvachkov is Nadezda Michalovna Kvachkova:

Copy of the coordination on carrying out of Russian March For Holy Russia! from the mayoralty of Moscow:

Copy of the agreement between applicants of joint action about the order of carrying out of procession and meeting Russian March – Russian Unity 04.11.2013. Applicants Nikolas Tishin, Nadezda Kvachkova, Valeriy Kubarev and Yuri Gorsky have signed:

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