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News of Holy Russia 25.12.2017: The next XXXV International Conference on problems of the Civilization has taken place in Moscow.

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At support of Fund of Princes in Moscow 23.12.2017 the next XXXV International conference on problems of the Civilization has taken place in RosNOU, Moscow. At conference with the report Grand Tartary is Grand Prince the Professor and Academician of history Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has acted.

With results of the researches of participants of conference have acquainted 20 scientists, including with the report Grand Tartary are Grand Prince Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has acted.

In the clause Professor Valeriy Kubarev has considered the broad audience of the questions connected to an origin of Eastern and Western Slavs, and also set, so-called, Turkic peoples of the Central Asia and India.

The author has proved that Slavs are branch of Tatar peoples of Eurasia, гаплогруппа R1a1. Russian saying “If rubbing Russian – you will find the Tatary” there is not figure of speech, and sad true of an origin of the Russian Slavs. Therefore the author suggests relying on historical and genetic realities instead of rough imaginations of Slavophil’s in formation and carrying out of an interethnic policy in Russia and Eurasia.

Clause Grand Tartary is published on wed site of the author under the link:


At Conference also have acted with reports is V.A. Ivanov, A. Golubev, V.P. Polyakov, E. Shurshikov, M. Svechnikov, S.K. Stafeev, D.A. Gusev, E.V. Sakharov, Y.V. Anisimov, N.S. Kellin, G.I. Serdtsev, D.Y. Enkov, K. Fedorov and other scientists. After reports has passed the Round table.

Is the photographic report on XXXV International conference on problems of the Civilization below 23.12.2017.

Y.V. Anisimov's performance with the report Pig-iron guns of XVIII century:

A. Golubev's performance with the report Tartary in world history:

Grand Prince Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev with the report Grand Tartary:

N.S. Kellin's and student’s performance with the report Apocalypse of XVII century:

E.V. Sakharov's performance with the report Chinese parallels in world history:

D.A. Gusev's performance with the report August and Bethlehem:

E. Shurshikov's performance with the report Glass mirrors of XV century:

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