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News of Holy Russia 19.01.2015: Assignment of Titles of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.

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Title Viscount of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich to Dr. Masaru Kamitani is granted. To Knight Esteban Enrique Rigueiro the military rank the Major General of National Guard of Holy Russia is appropriated.

With the purpose of development of idea of monarchic statehood of Russia, in the name of the peace and prosperities of Russia, in the name of restoration of historical validity and in the name of strengthening the international friendship by the Highest Decree are granted Title Viscount of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich to Dr. Masaru Kamitani.

By the Highest Decree to Knight Esteban Enrique Rigueiro appropriates military ranks the Major General of National Guard of Holy Russia. By the Highest Decree the Major General Esteban Enrique Rigueiro appointed as Commander of police air forces of South American Legion of National Guard of Holy Russia.

Holy Russia, Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich and Fund of Princes intimately congratulate Viscount Dr. Masaru Kamitani with granted Title of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich and the introduction into Fund of Princes.

The National Guard of Holy Russia from the bottom of the heart congratulates Major General Esteban Enrique Rigueiro on purpose.

We wish to new member of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich and the Major General of National Guard of Holy Russia of all successes in work and private life. The God bless all Knights of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich!

Photos of the ancient Chapter of clan Fujiwara-Kamatari and one of Castle of clan, to which Dr. Masaru Kamitani is membered:

Copy of Decree No. 139 from 19.01.2015 and the Patent for Title of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich for Viscount Dr. Masaru Kamitani are applied:

Copy of the Decree No.140 from 19.01.2015 about assignment of military rank and purpose of Major General Esteban Enrique Rigueiro:

News of Holy Russia 06.10.2024: Anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.
Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich in circle of family and friends has solemnly celebrated 90-years anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.

News of Holy Russia 11.09.2024: Events around the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.
Grand Prince Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has published a new monograph, World History, in three volumes: World History, Rus’ History, and Religions History. Electronic versions of books in Russian and English are available for purchase on the Litres portal. Excerpts from books for free download are published on the resources of the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.

News of Holy Russia 05.05.2024: Congratulations of Holy Russia on the Light Holiday of Easter. Happy Easter!
The Grand Prince and Pontifex Maximus of Nova Church of Holy Russia Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev, in the days of the biblical Apocalypse, congratulates all Christians on the Bright Holiday of Easter! Humanity is entering the era of the reign of the Antichrist when darkness and evil dominate. The light of the world is the feat of Jesus Christ, who trampled death and darkness. Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Happy Easter!

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