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News of Holy Russia 20.12.2014: XXIX International Conference on problems of the Civilization has taken place in Moscow.

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At support of Fund of Princes in Moscow next XXIX International Conference on problems of the Civilization has taken place. At Conference with the report Orthodox canons of XIV century and the present days are Grand Prince Professor Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has acted.

In Moscow XXIX International Conference on problems of the Civilization which was organized by Russian New University (RosNoU) and the Project Civilization on December 20, 2014 has passed. In turn Fund of Princes renders feasible support to the Project Civilization.

At conference results of the researches have reported on 17 scientists, including with the report Orthodox canons of XIV century and the present days are Grand Prince Professor Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has acted.

In the report Grand Prince has analyzed images of the kept mosaics and frescos of Church of Christ Savior in Fields or Churches of Chorus in Constantinople. Stages of Bible events in Church of Chorus have been created in 1315-1321 and centuries were initial images of Orthodoxy when any changes or edition in them were pursued by death. The specified pictures were not exposed to edition by church more than 500 years as after capture of Constantinople by Turks in 1453, in the beginning of XVI century Moslems have hidden them behind plaster and have opened to look to visitors of new created museum of the Byzantium art only in 1958.

The huge sensational conclusion of research consists that modern canons of Orthodox and Catholic Churches have essentially kept away from initial doctrines. Modern canons have been essentially changed, that has led to falsification of the Holy Legend and Holy Scripts of Christianity’s. These of editing were brought since XVI century but especially active edition of canons has been carried out in XIX century. We shall note that doctrines of Nova Church of Holy Russia headed by Pontifex Maximus Professor Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev are fully complying with ancient Orthodoxy.

The report is written on the basis of materials and photos of clause of the author Picturesque Gospel of Church of Chorus in Istanbul, 15.09.-08.10.2014, the link: http://www.kubarev.ru/en/content/412.htm . The text of the report of Grand Prince Professor Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev will be published in the near future.

The photographic report is XXIX International conference on problems of Civilization at 20.12.2014.

Performance of the Doctor of sciences J.A. Kesler is Music of civilization:

Performance of the Head of Project Civilization the Candidate of sciences V.A. Ivanov with the report is Civil war of 1941-1943:

In photos Grand Prince Professor Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev with the report Orthodox canons of XIV century and the present days:

D.J. Enkov performance is Where Jesus Christ was born? :

E.V. Saharov performance is Many-sided Brutus:

S.K. Stafeev performance is Most ancient myths and Geography:

E.N. Shurnikov performance is Mirrors of civilization:

Performance of Docent N.S. Kellin is New about the Radziwill Chronicle:

Performance of Mrs. M.N. Gorodova is The Moscow Kremlin – archetype model of the sacred center:

Performance of the Candidate of sciences G.I. Serdtsev is Chronology and the Gregorian reform:

Mrs. E.A. Gogol performance is Older of Antiquity:

Performance of A.S. Grinin is Ideas about the Russian civilization:

The working moments of Conference:

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