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News of Holy Russia 21.09.2014: The All-Russian Marche of Peace has taken place in Moscow.

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In the Moscow Marche of Peace 21.09.2014 with the requirement to stop war in Ukraine has taken part Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev, who has headed column the European choice of Russia. Marche of Peace in Moscow was collected more than 20 thousand persons.

Within the framework of the All-Russian Marche of Peace which has passed on September 21, 2014 in Moscow, inside procession the separate column the European choice of Russia has been organized (FB event https://www.facebook.com/events/289751897886746/ , FB community https://www.facebook.com/EuRussia ).

The column was headed by Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev Rurikovich.

Banner and the main slogan of column it was Russia – Europe, instead of Asiopa!

Word Asiopa means word-play and anything more.

The basic political claims and requirements of participants of column the European choice of Russia to the Kremlin authority were the following.

We believe that war in the south and the east of Ukraine, it actually war of the Kremlin against Uniform Europe and Western Civilization. We count that Russia it is Europe and Russians it is European peoples. We demand to stop war in Ukraine – in the East of Europe. We choose the European way of development of Russia and we oppose Putin's Euroasian integration with transformation of the Russian Federation into new Mongolian Horde. We stand up against self-isolation of Russia, kindling of chauvinism and interethnic hatred. We demand change of the Kremlin authority which has lost adequate perception of the validity.

We also support requirements of Marche of Peace – the termination of war in Ukraine, a conclusion of the Russian armies, a stop of military and financial support of separatists, and also punishment guilty of infringement of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and laws on creation and financing of the illegal armed formations. Will suffice to stop lie and be at war!

The link to the basic FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/516658901802881/

At 16 o'clock participants of demonstration have started to gather on Pushkin square and to pass through frameworks of metal detectors. Then demonstrators began to form columns on the interests on two parties of the Parkway ring. On Marche of the Peace opposition parties and social movements, and also independent civil active workers have been submitted.

At 17:10 start has been given to movement of columns. The route of demonstration ran from Pushkin square (Passionate parkway) on parkways, and then under the prospectus of Academician Sakharov before crossing with the Garden ring. Without special incidents demonstrators have reached final point of route where nobody wanted to miss. Nevertheless, at 19:00 action has been veiled.

According to police in Marche of Peace has taken part more than 5000 person. The police as always is dissembles. We believe that the action has collected more than 20 thousand persons.

Peace to the World!

Below is the photographic report on the Moscow Marche of Peace 21.09.2014.

Gathering of participants of demonstration and formation of columns.

Marche of Peace in movement on the Parkway ring and the Prospectus of Academician Sakharov.

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